979-0-66000-175-2 Ильин В. Альбом гитариста. Для шестиструнной гитары, издательство «Композитор» Санкт-Петербург
Составитель сборника, сетуя на недостаток нотной литературы гитарной классики, подобрал такие пьесы, которые представляют нам этот инструмент в его классическом понимании как носителя и выразителя испанского духа, или как неизменного сопроводителя русского романса.
В сборник вошли следующие пьесы:
Б. Фомин. Только раз. Старинный романс
Ф. Таррега. Воспоминание об Альгамбре
Сальвадор. Испанский танец
А. Барриос. Последнее тремоло
Сборник рекомендуется в качестве учебного пособия студентам гитарных классов средних и высших музыкальных заведений, а также всем любителям музыки.
Количество страниц: 32
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Формат: 60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Издательство: Композитор – Санкт-Петербург
Гарантия на печатные издания - 2 года с даты производства.
979-0-66000-175-2 Ilyin V. Album of Guitarist. For six-stringed guitar, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg
Guitar is а wonderful instrument, indeed, for during hundreds of years it has been perpetually occurring at the far corners of the musical main sphere in different countries, meanwhile going on living despite everything. This phenomenon mау be explained by different social groups of population to have been discovering their necessity in guitar in some particular genre of art. This instrument is able to Ъе ingenuous and intricate at the same time. Both the aristocratic noble style and the spirit of folk are peculiar to guitar. And at last, nothing, but guitar, is so accessible to just music-lovers, evoking simultaneously such а great interest in the hearts of professionals. Thus the repertoire for guitar continues to be revived, extended and renewed. Nowadays the classical guitar genre is undergoing the kind of its revelation in Russia as if being discovered anew. It' s nevermore associates in our mind with only the rock music or bards' songs. The guitar returns tо the concert stage. Most of the serious modern composers create not only solo guitar pieces, but also concertos for guitar and orchestra! However, this is really the guitar classics, that is firmly left as the base of any repertoire. These exact pieces are offered for you in this collection. This compositions use to enjoy their popularity, giving any musician the chance of trying his (or her) skill.
This collection is recommended as the sort of manual for the guitar classes' students of middle and high music colleges, so as for all the music-lovers.
В. Fomin. Only Once. Old romance
F. Tarrega. Reminiscences of Alhambra ...
Salvador. Spanish dance
А. Barrios. The Last Tremolo
Pages: 32.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg; 2004
979-0-66000-175-2 Ильин В. Альбом гитариста. Для шестиструнной гитары, издательство «Композитор» Санкт-Петербург
Составитель сборника, сетуя на недостаток нотной литературы гитарной классики, подобрал такие пьесы, которые представляют нам этот инструмент в его классическом понимании как носителя и выразителя испанского духа, или как неизменного сопроводителя русского романса.
В сборник вошли следующие пьесы:
Б. Фомин. Только раз. Старинный романс
Ф. Таррега. Воспоминание об Альгамбре
Сальвадор. Испанский танец
А. Барриос. Последнее тремоло
Сборник рекомендуется в качестве учебного пособия студентам гитарных классов средних и высших музыкальных заведений, а также всем любителям музыки.
Количество страниц: 32
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Формат: 60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Издательство: Композитор – Санкт-Петербург
Гарантия на печатные издания - 2 года с даты производства.
979-0-66000-175-2 Ilyin V. Album of Guitarist. For six-stringed guitar, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg
Guitar is а wonderful instrument, indeed, for during hundreds of years it has been perpetually occurring at the far corners of the musical main sphere in different countries, meanwhile going on living despite everything. This phenomenon mау be explained by different social groups of population to have been discovering their necessity in guitar in some particular genre of art. This instrument is able to Ъе ingenuous and intricate at the same time. Both the aristocratic noble style and the spirit of folk are peculiar to guitar. And at last, nothing, but guitar, is so accessible to just music-lovers, evoking simultaneously such а great interest in the hearts of professionals. Thus the repertoire for guitar continues to be revived, extended and renewed. Nowadays the classical guitar genre is undergoing the kind of its revelation in Russia as if being discovered anew. It' s nevermore associates in our mind with only the rock music or bards' songs. The guitar returns tо the concert stage. Most of the serious modern composers create not only solo guitar pieces, but also concertos for guitar and orchestra! However, this is really the guitar classics, that is firmly left as the base of any repertoire. These exact pieces are offered for you in this collection. This compositions use to enjoy their popularity, giving any musician the chance of trying his (or her) skill.
This collection is recommended as the sort of manual for the guitar classes' students of middle and high music colleges, so as for all the music-lovers.
В. Fomin. Only Once. Old romance
F. Tarrega. Reminiscences of Alhambra ...
Salvador. Spanish dance
А. Barrios. The Last Tremolo
Pages: 32.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg; 2004
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