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ГлавнаяНоты, самоучителиНоты для клавишных инструментовИздательство "Композитор" Санкт-Петербург Мусоргский М. Картинки с выставки, Издательство «Композитор»
979-0-66000-611-5 Мусоргский М. Картинки с выставки, Издательство «Композитор» Санкт-Петербург

Замечательное творение гениального русского композитора Модеста Петровича Мусоргского (1839–1881) навеяно выставкой произведений художника В.А. Гартмана. В основу настоящей редакции положен текст издания Музгиза под редакцией П.А. Ламма, сверенный им с автографом сочинения.

Количество страниц: 48.
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Издательство: Композитор – Санкт-Петербург; 1998 г.
Гарантия на печатные издания - 2 года с даты производства


979-0-66000-611-5 Musorgsky M. Pictures at an Exhibition. Suite for piano, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

Pictures at an Exhibition was written by M. Mussorgsky in 1874 under the impression of the show of talented painter and architect V. Hartmann. The composition is written in the from a suite. Every piece is a peculiar world in which original picturesque manner of thinking of Mussorgsky is exposed. Vivacity, richness and diversity of descriptions are combined with the novelty and wealth of the musical language.
The present edition is based on the text of Muzgiz publishing edited by P. A. Lamm. The text is checked after the autograph. Fingering of the pieces as well as marks of single notes performance displacement from one hand’s part to the other hand are put by editors. Dynamic and other additional notes in the original text are put in brackets. The author’s leagues are not changed excepting several places in pieces No 1 and No 2 which were corrected with the purpose of leagues unification in analogous episodes.

A Walk
1. А Gnome
2. An Old Castle
3. Jardin de Tuileries (Children's Quarrel after Play)
4. Bydlo
5. А Ballet of Unhatching Chickens
6. Two Jews, Rich and Poor
A Walk
7. Limoge. The Market (A Big News)
8. Catacombs (A Rome Sepulcher)
With Dead in the Dead Language
9. А Log Hut with Hen’s Legs (Baba Jaga)
10. А Giant’s Gates (In Kiev Capital)

Pages: 48.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg; 1998

Издательство "Композитор" Санкт-Петербург Мусоргский М. Картинки с выставки, Издательство «Композитор»

Нет отзывов
Остаток на складе: 0 шт.
Код товара: P9572
979-0-66000-611-5 Мусоргский М. Картинки с выставки, Издательство «Композитор» Санкт-Петербург

Замечательное творение гениального русского композитора Модеста Петровича Мусоргского (1839–1881) навеяно выставкой произведений художника В.А. Гартмана. В основу настоящей редакции положен текст издания Музгиза под редакцией П.А. Ламма, сверенный им с автографом сочинения.

Количество страниц: 48.
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Издательство: Композитор – Санкт-Петербург; 1998 г.
Гарантия на печатные издания - 2 года с даты производства


979-0-66000-611-5 Musorgsky M. Pictures at an Exhibition. Suite for piano, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

Pictures at an Exhibition was written by M. Mussorgsky in 1874 under the impression of the show of talented painter and architect V. Hartmann. The composition is written in the from a suite. Every piece is a peculiar world in which original picturesque manner of thinking of Mussorgsky is exposed. Vivacity, richness and diversity of descriptions are combined with the novelty and wealth of the musical language.
The present edition is based on the text of Muzgiz publishing edited by P. A. Lamm. The text is checked after the autograph. Fingering of the pieces as well as marks of single notes performance displacement from one hand’s part to the other hand are put by editors. Dynamic and other additional notes in the original text are put in brackets. The author’s leagues are not changed excepting several places in pieces No 1 and No 2 which were corrected with the purpose of leagues unification in analogous episodes.

A Walk
1. А Gnome
2. An Old Castle
3. Jardin de Tuileries (Children's Quarrel after Play)
4. Bydlo
5. А Ballet of Unhatching Chickens
6. Two Jews, Rich and Poor
A Walk
7. Limoge. The Market (A Big News)
8. Catacombs (A Rome Sepulcher)
With Dead in the Dead Language
9. А Log Hut with Hen’s Legs (Baba Jaga)
10. А Giant’s Gates (In Kiev Capital)

Pages: 48.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg; 1998

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