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ГлавнаяНоты, самоучителиНоты для клавишных инструментовИздательство "Композитор" Санкт-Петербург Кнайфель А. Дважды два. Для фортепиано
979-0-66000-754-9 Кнайфель А. Дважды два. Для фортепиано, издательство «Композитор» Санкт-Петербург
Гарантия на печатные издания - 2 года с даты производства.

979-0-66000-754-9 Knaifel A. Two Times Two. For Piano, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A “Petersburger by nationality”, he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950–1961), the Moscow (1961–1963) and Leningrad (1963–1967) Conservatories. He lists Mstislav Rostropovich, the poet Sergei Vakulenko and the Surozh metropolitan Antonii amongst his teachers.
The carefree movement of skipping and gracious curtseys from old dances can be heard in this jolly short piece with its jolly title. The title reflects both the character and features of its structure: the rhythm of the first phrase (composed of two complex three-bar half-phrases) is permanently repeated throughout the piece. There are a total of four such forms (two times two!), and each begins from the motif of two paired crotchets; the roll-call of cadences in Bars 15 and 25 traces two phases in the form.

Pages: 8.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg; 2007

Издательство "Композитор" Санкт-Петербург Кнайфель А. Дважды два. Для фортепиано

Нет отзывов
Остаток на складе: 0 шт.
Код товара: P36667
979-0-66000-754-9 Кнайфель А. Дважды два. Для фортепиано, издательство «Композитор» Санкт-Петербург
Гарантия на печатные издания - 2 года с даты производства.

979-0-66000-754-9 Knaifel A. Two Times Two. For Piano, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A “Petersburger by nationality”, he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950–1961), the Moscow (1961–1963) and Leningrad (1963–1967) Conservatories. He lists Mstislav Rostropovich, the poet Sergei Vakulenko and the Surozh metropolitan Antonii amongst his teachers.
The carefree movement of skipping and gracious curtseys from old dances can be heard in this jolly short piece with its jolly title. The title reflects both the character and features of its structure: the rhythm of the first phrase (composed of two complex three-bar half-phrases) is permanently repeated throughout the piece. There are a total of four such forms (two times two!), and each begins from the motif of two paired crotchets; the roll-call of cadences in Bars 15 and 25 traces two phases in the form.

Pages: 8.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg; 2007

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