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ГлавнаяНоты, самоучителиИздания для детейИздательство "Композитор" Санкт-Петербург 979-0-66004-274-8 Фиртич Г.И. Песни из мультфильмов «Приключения капитана Врунгеля» и «Доктор Айболит»
979-0-66004-274-8 Фиртич Г.И. Песни из мультфильмов «Приключения капитана Врунгеля» и «Доктор Айболит», издательство «Композитор» Санкт-Петербург

Песни из м/ф Песня капитана Врунгеля:
Песня о названиях кораблей
Песня гангстеров
Песня агента Ноль-Ноль-Икс

Песни из других м/ф:
Песня Карабаса
Маленькие дети
Ехали медведи
Веселые зверята
Здравствуй, солнце золотое
Папочка и мамочка
Добрый доктор Айболит

Количество страниц: 44
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Формат: 60x90/8 (220х290 мм)
Издательство: Композитор – Санкт-Петербург; 2003 г
Гарантия на печатные издания - 2 года с даты производства.


979-0-66004-274-8 Firtich G. Songs from the cartoons "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" and "Doctor Aibolit", Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

Firtich Georgiy (b. 1938) - one of the most exciting and diverse gifted of contemporary St. Petersburg composers. He is the author of many very serious, complex and original chamber works, instrumental and symphonic works, vocal cycles. He wrote operas, ballets and cantatas and music for "adult" films. Finally, Georgiy Firtich wonderful jazz pianist and arranger.
But the book that you hold in your hands is dedicated to the most fun and probably still the most famous works of the composer. Come on, who does not remember the brave Captain Vrungel and kind doctor Aybolit from the old cartoons? Who has forgotten the terrible gangsters detective with the insidious? A "bloodthirsty and ruthless" cartoon Barmaley? How can we forget them, because each of them has such a funny song!..
With Firtich music they like in front of your eyes. You can play, sing, stage plays ... and feel yourself a little bit the experienced sea wolf, a little the Italian mafia and a little wizard who conjured up - and and and ... toad flew across the sky, the bears gone on a bike, and Africa itself suddenly came to life and began to sing all sorts of voices ...

Pages: 44.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg; 2003

Издательство "Композитор" Санкт-Петербург 979-0-66004-274-8 Фиртич Г.И. Песни из мультфильмов «Приключения капитана Врунгеля» и «Доктор Айболит»

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Остаток на складе: 0 шт.
Код товара: P7646
979-0-66004-274-8 Фиртич Г.И. Песни из мультфильмов «Приключения капитана Врунгеля» и «Доктор Айболит», издательство «Композитор» Санкт-Петербург

Песни из м/ф Песня капитана Врунгеля:
Песня о названиях кораблей
Песня гангстеров
Песня агента Ноль-Ноль-Икс

Песни из других м/ф:
Песня Карабаса
Маленькие дети
Ехали медведи
Веселые зверята
Здравствуй, солнце золотое
Папочка и мамочка
Добрый доктор Айболит

Количество страниц: 44
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Формат: 60x90/8 (220х290 мм)
Издательство: Композитор – Санкт-Петербург; 2003 г
Гарантия на печатные издания - 2 года с даты производства.


979-0-66004-274-8 Firtich G. Songs from the cartoons "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" and "Doctor Aibolit", Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

Firtich Georgiy (b. 1938) - one of the most exciting and diverse gifted of contemporary St. Petersburg composers. He is the author of many very serious, complex and original chamber works, instrumental and symphonic works, vocal cycles. He wrote operas, ballets and cantatas and music for "adult" films. Finally, Georgiy Firtich wonderful jazz pianist and arranger.
But the book that you hold in your hands is dedicated to the most fun and probably still the most famous works of the composer. Come on, who does not remember the brave Captain Vrungel and kind doctor Aybolit from the old cartoons? Who has forgotten the terrible gangsters detective with the insidious? A "bloodthirsty and ruthless" cartoon Barmaley? How can we forget them, because each of them has such a funny song!..
With Firtich music they like in front of your eyes. You can play, sing, stage plays ... and feel yourself a little bit the experienced sea wolf, a little the Italian mafia and a little wizard who conjured up - and and and ... toad flew across the sky, the bears gone on a bike, and Africa itself suddenly came to life and began to sing all sorts of voices ...

Pages: 44.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg; 2003

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